Navigate your medical journey with
clarity and confidence.

With personalised support and expert guidance

My MenoMate®


Medical Mentoring


Online Clinic Support


My MenoMate® 〰️ Medical Mentoring 〰️ Online Clinic Support 〰️

  • Struggling to be heard in your medical appointment?

  • Bamboozled by media information on menopause and perimenopause?

  • On medications but not sure what for? Or if they’re helping?

Let me help you transform confusion into clarity and control

Medical Mentoring

My MenoMate

Your menopause ‘mate’.
I’ll help you to find and understand the guidelines relating to the peri/menopausal phase, empowering you to better advocate for yourself in medical appointments.

My Medical Mentor

Support, in finding and understanding the guidelines in relation to your condition and, the medication that either you think you should be on or are already taking.
Helping you to make the most of your medical appointments.

Online Clinic

An ideal adjunct to your In-Clinic treatments!
A time to revise your exercises, a quick catch-up between treatments or for when you need immediate pain relieving advice whilst unable to come into clinic
e.g. travelling/lack of childcare.

Medical Mentoring Consultations

Unsure what your tablets are for?


Can't think straight?


Confused by media headlines?


Don't know where to start?


Unsure what your tablets are for? 〰️ Can't think straight? 〰️ Confused by media headlines? 〰️ Don't know where to start? 〰️

How Do Mentoring Consultations Work?

Initial Contact

  • If you are unsure whether a MenoMate® or Medical Mentor appointment is what you need, you can book a quick 15 minute chat here

    *If you have already seen me in clinic and I therefore have already taken a full medical history, please just book a ‘My MenoMate/Medical Mentor Follow Up’ appointment, as I will already have a lot of your medical history.


  • The initial consultation is the same as a Physical Therapy consultation, where I take a full and detailed medical history including your medications, previous and current health issues, symptoms/issues to be addressed.

    We may also play around with words/phrases that you are comfortable with, when talking to your medical team about your issue. (It is not my aim to put words in your mouth!)

  • After the initial consultation, the research begins. This can take a few days and is all included in your appointment fee. This will include researching the medical guidelines relating to your issue and any medications, gathering information from reputable websites e.g. the NICE guidelines, The British Heart Foundation.

After the Consultation

*Medical Mentor and MenoMate® consultations are conducted online however, In-Person appointments can be arranged, if you are able to come into clinic in Edinburgh. Contact me to arrange

Once research is completed;

  • you will receive an email with all of the links and information that is relevant to your issue.

  • this will also include the suggested phrases that we came up with during our initial call.

  • If appropriate, we will arrange a follow up appointment for further assistance.

Why Offer Medical Mentoring Consultations?

  • I know from personal experience, how challenging it is to navigate the healthcare system - especially when we are very unwell.

    It is very challenging for our Healthcare professionals to keep up with ever-changing guidelines, within a beleaguered healthcare system.

    In addition, having taken 100’s of consultations over the past 20 years, the number of people who “don’t really know” what their medication is for, or even if it is working would surprise you. So part of my In-Clinic treatments become Mentoring discussions, where we discuss how the patient can best approach their GP to review their medication - and to find out what it’s meant to be doing!

Offering these consultations has been a natural extension of my clinic work.

a ‘mate’ to help you navigate the perimenopause

The perimenopause ‘gifted me’ SCAD heart attacks and microvascular angina - challenging to anyone but even more so when the medics have never heard of either of them.

Working out my symptom pattern, gathering the relevant information
and having to work hard at advocating for myself,
is one of the reasons why Medical Mentoring has become my passion -
read more about my Cardiac Campaigning work

Peri/menopause is a hot topic right now, ‘scuse the pun but, we must bear in mind that the majority of medics will not have received any formal training in menopause care at medical school and cardiology is a male dominated department so, being heard can be challenging for your average perimenopausal female with palpitations.

On the Other Hand….

Doctors are not Gods.
And nor should we expect them to be
— Jill

…guidelines can change at a fantastic rate !

Take Utrogestan for example- a progesterone in tablet form:

This medication was only added to the prescribing list in Edinburgh and the Lothians in July 2023 - thanks to a huge amount of work by myself and many others like me, who needed it (it was available in other areas of the UK, but not where I live)

Dosage guidelines were changed in April 2024

NHS staff in the UK are working within a massively overloaded system that is no longer fit for purpose, with out-dated computer systems that
should be consigned to the bin,
whilst the population demand more and more from it.
We cannot ask every HCP to be totally up to speed with every guideline for every condition - that’s just not humanly possible.

Changes in attitudes and behaviours
from both the patient and the medical profession
are going to become ever more important,
if we want the NHS to survive.

Awareness is the greatest agent for change
— Eckhart Tolle

Online - Clinic Consultations

An alternative to, or in addition to, In-Clinic treatments.

Developed during the pandemic, online sessions are a time efficient and cost effective way of keeping your pain recovery journey on track. Continuing an exercise when you can’t quite remember it, can potentially undo the benefit of treatment and/or aggravate the issue.
We’ve all been there, myself included - we think we’re going to remember it but, by the time we get home, it’s gone!
A quick video call could make all the difference.

Or maybe it’s been a long time since you’ve needed to do the pain relieving exercises and can’t remember them. Book an online session and maybe you won’t need to come in for treatment.

I see myself as a facilitator, helping you to manage your chronic pain issue
— Jill

Quick Catch-Up & Reviews

    • Having a treatment can be daunting, so book a quick call with me to find out if my treatment are right for you.

    • Or maybe you want a quick catch up about your progress before booking a full In-Clinic appointment

Pre-treatment Enquiry Calls

    • Can’t remember the exercise I gave you in the treatment room? Or maybe it just doesn’t feel right?
      Book a quick 15 minute catch-up - a cost effective way of aiding your recovery.

Full exercise review & Desk Set Up assessment

    • A more in-depth review of rehabilitation exercises/advice, given during an In-Clinic appointment.

    • An alternative to an In-Clinic appointment if you are unable to come to the clinic (eg. on holiday, lack of childcare)

    • An ideal time to see and asses your desk set-up at home.

    • A time to schedule your rehab/exercise routine, with me from the comfort of your home.

A proactive self management approach for chronic conditions
including musculo-skeletal pain and arthritis
has positive results, with participants reporting:
improvements in pain symptoms,
confidence to manage their pain,
health status,
anxiety and depression.”

(Bourne 2012)